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Pizzo leone - COrona dei pinci Spiritual Recharge & Dancing

Discover The mountains above ascona and recharge your energy


One of the most breathtaking views over Lake Maggiore can be enjoyed from Corona Dei Pinci. The trail leading to its summit is spectacular and offers stunning views over the Brissago Islands, the lake, framed by the mountains and the jagged, neighbouring peaks of Ghiridone. The view from the summit also embraces Centovalli and Valle Vigezzo, which is already on Italian ground. Both regions are populated by several charming villages.

Forget time and immerse yourself in the wonderful landscape. In the background you can see the white snow curtain of Monte Rosa and the Valais mountain range. 

Our host Alex will be leading us in a magical moment of spiritual recharge in the beautiful and untouched mountain energy. And we will be also meditating at the top.

You can park the car just after the hamlet of Porera, where the road is closed with a gate. 


10.40 Meeting at Porera car park

11.00 Walking towards Corona dei pinci

12.35 - 13.00 lunch - pic-nic.

14.00 - 14.30 Circle , warm - up (intro meditation) 

14.30 - 16.00 Dancing

16.00 Walk Down

Start  Porera Parking


Activity  Ecstatic Dance, Meditation, Ice therapy

Theme Purification, Strenght, Self Healing

Ages  Min 15

Group size Min 4, Max 35

Equipment  Bring Water, Warm Clothes

Physical rating Soft

5 hours

Cost per person
35 CHF

Tour Leader 
MIchela - Alex


Book Innerwalk trip:
25th Nov 2023 h. 10.40 - 16.00



We bring together like-minded people in their 30s and 40s on incredible adventures and 98% of them are solo travelers. We always defined a meeting point and walk together to reach our main location. We invite all the people to join a big circle welcoming all the partecipants (respecting social distancing).

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Warm Up, Ecstatic Dance

We know the world’s best ways to promote freedom and joy. Arrived at the main location we start our Innerwalk Warm Up, to help you reconnecting with your physical and emotional body, authentic relating and creative expression. No previous experience needed!

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Closing Circle, Meditation

After Innerwalk Session you will feel so nurished and fullfilled, that's the reason why we are planning some additional time and space for meditation and sharing to integrate what you get into the session.
Closing circle and the final meditation will be guided by our Special Tour Guide.

Meeting Point, Walk, Opening Circle

Why you'll love this trip


Innerwalk Project guides for this trip will be Michela & Alex!

Alex Dawson, Swiss Australian Complementary therapist, Feldenkrais Method, Master Reiki, offering Guided Meditation Journeys. Since 15 years traveling to India organizing tours to different Ashrams, Energetical Places Seeker. Leading Meditation groups in Locarno and Lugano.

Innerwalk Project organizes events with Silent Disco RF Headphones in Nature to create a special nature-body connection through music and movement. Anyone who wants to rediscover their most rooted, open, playful inner self is welcome.

Is this trip right for you?

  • If you need a moment for yourself after an hectic summer

  • You feel attracted by the one glacier in Ticino

  • On this session we have two guides that will lead the group

  • This trip is a great opportunity to get to know other like-minded people, so embrace it while you can


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